Code Snippet plugin is a boon for developers and programmers who are running blogs to share their programming experience with others. They often share their code on their blogs, but this code sometimes remain unobserved by the vistors. This plugin not only allows you to insert your code snippet within your post but is also format that code using some syntax highlighting. It supports a number of programming and web development languages such as CSS, HTML, C# and Visual Basic. Some of the features in Code Snippet plugin are: Rich Text Editor, that means that you can perform final changes to the source code before pasting it into your blog post. Expandable/Splitable Code Panes - able to view the code to process or the formatted code using the entire dialog space, in addition to viewing both contents in split mode. A 'Run Silent' feature is also included in this version, with this feature it is now possible to automatically process current clipboard contents for quick pasting without displaying the Code Snippet dialog. The interface is pretty intituve. If you are a programmer & running a blog then this plugin is a must